'' How many times must I say it??? Knock before you enter""!!!!!
little witch
JoinedPosts by little witch
Old Pic Of Me: Captions Please!
by Stephanus in.
this is from c. 1987, when i was still living in the church run "guys' house":.
Case Dismissed!
by Scorpion ina lady about 8 months pregnant got on a bus.
she noticed the.
man opposite her was smiling at her.
little witch
O Gawwwd!
how funny!
Strange Memories..
by breal inabout 6 or 7 years ago after being df'd and shunned by family and friends for so many years.. i got to thinking that perhaps if i tried to get reinstated.
not entirely sure that i really wanted to or if it was simply an idea to do this and then just did a slow fade (if that is really possible) - then i would be able to be around my family and friends like old times again.
i even attended a few meetings in the new city i had moved to.
little witch
This is exactly the place for you to post without worrying!
Glad you are here, keep posting dear!
Nobody Knows It But Me
by safe4kids inthere's a place that i travel, .
when i want to roam .
the roads don't go there, .
little witch
thanks Safe4kids.
My fifteen year old son heard this on t.v. and just adores the poem! He says it's
Cool! I will show this post to him!
Returning 20 years of JW books to KH need opinions
by SpunkyChick inmy mom and i have been cleaning out the basement and gathered over 20 years worth of jw books, magazines, tracts (some dating from the 1950's!).
we are playing with the idea to return the jw material in a box, with the words "we quit" and a xeroxed copy of the cover coc next sunday morning in front of the local kh.
does anyone have any better/more sarcastic ideas?
little witch
Your collection is of high economic as well as educational value. Please consider giving your collection to a TRUSTED CHARITABLE COLLECTOR!
Someone who can archive your collection, free of charge. Then sell to the highest for yourself.
JWs who come here
by larc ini find it curious when jws come here.
i would not want to go into any room or place and debate people who knew much more than i do, yet they do it.
i guess the scripture, "pride goes before a fall" fits people like this.
little witch
Do no evil, do what is good.... Romans 12; 9.......................in any translation.
The Taking Down the Tower Myth
by IslandWoman insome prominant xjws have promulgated this myth.
some have done so out of hatred for the watchtower others because of love for the ones hurt by the watchtower.. the "taking down of the tower" will not happen.. just as the roman catholic church continues and all of her children continue, so will the watchtower.
it fills a need among the religiously disenfranchised and will continue to so for some time.. there is no "smoking gun" large enough to take down a religion which draws to itself the cast offs of other religions.. reform, reform, reform.
little witch
IW said ''reform'' FOUR TIMES!
LW agrees.
Stephanus says, "Kindler, Gentler, and Mainstream"
Does not this equal reform?
I believe the word reform means, to change from the inside.
Stephanus, where is your argument?
And do not drag sixofnine into this.
Stephanus also uses the pronoun ''I'' a record breaking FOUR times in two short sentences!
And how the HELL did you conclude that IW or I predicted a ''victorious Watchtower''?????
Calm down, have a beer, and relax Stephanus, it's all in your mind.
Living near nuclear power plants
by JH indo you think that nuclear power plants are safe, either from terrorism or malfunctions?.
i live about 10 miles from the only nuclear power plant in quebec.
every now and then they talk about either closing it down or upgrading it.. would you mind living close to a nuclear power plant?
little witch
Not being within harmful range of a nuclear power plant, I will not offer my opinion...
But, it makes me think,,,,,, would I feel ok if I were???
I shall watch the posts.......................
Jesus was gay - says academic
by ISP injesus was gay - says academic
jesus was gay and so were at least three of his 12 disciples, according to an australian academic.. .
dr rollan mccleary said jesus's astrological chart, clues in the scriptures and biblical translations, all played a part in his conclusions.. in a forthcoming book, he attempts to present st john's gospel in a new light to back up his claims, reports the herald sun.. dr rollan mccleary, a university of queensland phd graduate who now lives in melbourne, has just been awarded his doctorate for a thesis on gay spirituality.. an anglican and a qualified reader of astrological charts, dr mccleary said the planet uranus figured prominently in jesus's astrological chart, as it did with many gays..
little witch
As one of my beloved fellow posters would say,
The Truth Keeps This Marriage Together!
by Nosferatu injust to let you know, my mother is a jw, my father isn't.
i had a bit of a conversation with my mother last night.
to get into all the details of why they don't belong together would take up pages.
little witch
Yeah, what Blondie and Francois said.
''My bad decisions are someone else's fault''!